Privise Microphone Blocker
€9.90 €11.90
Fits in every 3.5mm audio input ✓Protects against unnoticed eavesdropping ✓ For mobile phones & smartphones ✓ Notebooks, tablets or other devices ✓

Highest product quality
You can always count on the Privise products to be among the best on the market. For example, our webcam covers are made in Germany to ensure the highest quality to protect your privacy.

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We ship all packages with the best delivery services free of charge directly to the door. Thus, you are always guaranteed the safest and fastest delivery. Because we also know the feeling of having to wait for a package ...

30 Tage Geld Zurück Garantie
Also we were once dissatisfied with the best product. Therefore, if you do not like it, you can easily cancel the purchase within 30 days. One email is enough.
Our unique Privise Microphone Blocker fits into any 3.5mm headphone jack. Whether notebook, tablet or smartphone, finally you have control over your microphone. - EASY TO USE:
You can easily install the Privise Microphone Blocker via Plug and Play. Once the blocker is installed, you can feel safe again. Thanks to the 90-degree design, the microphone blocker can be easily removed. - COMPACT:
Since we also love smart solutions and do not want to carry unnecessary ballast on trips, we have kept our microphone blocker as small and inconspicuous as possible. Thanks to the accompanying silicone key fob you have the microphone blocker always at hand.
Your microphone can be hacked within a few minutes. Only a software for about 20 USD is needed for this and you can be overheard. The common firewalls and antivirus programs unfortunately do not provide sufficient protection. With our hardware solution you simply close this vulnerability.
Once plugged in, our microphone blocker simulates the use of an external microphone, disabling the built-in audio input of your device. As soon as you want to be heard again, you just pull out the blocker again.
Easy to use! When it comes to your safety, you should not compromise.
Privise is the leading German provider of high quality privacy gadgets. We always use the highest quality materials to ensure longevity and flawless functionality. For example, our microphone blocker is just 0.9 cm thick and thus disappears almost unnoticed in every trouser pocket. We offer the usual solid and reliable Privise product quality in a fair price-performance ratio.
Product details:
- Our microphone blocker is made of high quality steel
- The plug fits into any standard 3.5mm audio input
-Our microphone blocker comes in the usual Privise quality
- Our Mic Blocker fits in any trouser pocket or keychain. Product dimensions: 2.5cm x 1.7cm x 0.9cm

Markus W.
Since I've seen live at a congress how fast a smartphone, tablet or laptop can be hacked, I've dealt with the topic of security. In addition to a webcam cover a great product to the Mirofon easy to protect against attacks. Simple great product => simply more security in the digital world.

Jeannie K.
Ich konnte mir zuerst nicht vorstellen, dass es wirklich funktioniert, aber tatsächlich klappt es einwandfrei: ist der Blocker eingesteckt, kann keiner mehr mithören. Ich habe das Ganze schon unfreiwillig bei einem Videoanruf getestet, bei dem ich vergessen hatte, dass der Blocker steckt: weder das Gegenüber noch ich hörten den kleinsten Pieps. Tut also ganz genau, was es soll!

Pascal S.
Purchasing Manager
Spätestens seit wir unsere Tochter haben, bin ich bezüglich Video- und Audio-Hacking ziemlich sensibel geworden. Umso besser fühle ich mich, seit wir den Mic Lock an unser Familien-Tablet angebracht haben. In Kombination mit einem Cam-Cover (wir haben uns auch hier für das Produkt von Privise entschieden) sind wir jetzt erst einmal gegen Abhör- und Abschauversuche gewappnet. :)
Microphone! - What is the problem?
We all have a computer, laptop, or cell phone equipped with a webcam and a microphone. But think about it - your camera always stares right into your face. You may not even use it very often, but are you sure that a hacker has not kidnapped it or that you are not being tapped? Whether we like it or not, we can easily become victims of cybercriminals. Ransomware, viruses, phishing schemes, data breaches - all this is pretty overwhelming.
With the development of the Internet of Things (IoT), more and more devices are being equipped with microphones for voice interaction and communication. Microphones that have been activated without user knowledge have been reported in various types of devices, including not only mobile devices, but also Smart TVs, Home Automation Hubs, and Smart Speakers. Microphone hacking is simply the unauthorized interception of audio data that is collected through the microphone on a computer, smartphone, or other device.
From 2014, it has become known to all of us that u.a. Government and intelligence agents could remotely activate the microphone of a target smartphone without causing any device behavior that could warn the user.
Fortunately, our Privise Microphone Blocker is designed to block your microphone. You simply connect the device to your microphone port and your device thinks that an external microphone is connected. This effectively blocks the potential for eavesdropping by the computer's built-in microphone.
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