USB Data Blocker
€14.90 €18.90
Fits into any USB port ✓ Safe charging for laptops & laptops ✓ Phones & smartphones ✓ Tablets or other devices ✓

Highest product quality
You can always count on the Privise products to be among the best on the market. For example, our webcam covers are made in Germany to ensure the highest quality to protect your privacy.

Free and fast delivery
We ship all packages with the best delivery services free of charge directly to the door. Thus, you are always guaranteed the safest and fastest delivery. Because we also know the feeling of having to wait for a package ...

30 day money back guarantee
Also we were once dissatisfied with the best product. Therefore, if you do not like it, you can easily cancel the purchase within 30 days. One email is enough.
Potential malware on one of the connected devices is stopped by the Data Blocker. Unwanted data manipulation or damage to external USB ports is therefore a thing of the past. Our Privise USB data blocker only passes the power to charge your device without affecting the charging speed. - SAFE:
Our data blocker prevents any data exchange between your device and the charging source. It is therefore 100% excluded that someone picks up your sensitive data or sends you a virus. - COMPACT:
We love smart solutions. Therefore, we have taken care in our Privise USB Data Blocker to design it as compact as possible, but high quality and stable. The USB data protection fits into any standard USB port and is therefore versatile. Its small size makes it perfect for traveling and charging in hotels, airports, airplanes, train stations etc.
Who does not know this, still quickly charging the smartphone via USB cable on the computer, in the train or at the airport. However, through the USB connection, an unnoticed data exchange or even the infection of your device with a virus or malware is possible. With our USB data blocker you prevent this.
In the housing of our device a data blocker is installed. This smart solution filters incoming data and only routes power through the device. Since we also doesn´t like to wait, we have made sure that the loading speed is not affected.
When it comes to your safety, you should not compromise.
Privise is the leading German provider of high quality privacy gadgets. We always use the highest quality materials to ensure longevity and flawless functionality. For example, our USB data blocker is just 0.9 cm thick and thus disappears almost unnoticed in every pocket. We offer the usual solid and reliable Privise product quality in a fair price-performance ratio.
Product details:
- Our USB Data Blocker is made of durable, UV resistant plastic
-the integrated data filter does not affect the charging speed
- our data Blocker comes in the usual Privise quality
- Our USB Data Blocker fits in your pocket. Product dimensions: 3cm x 2cm x 0.9cm

Gianluca M.
Da ich beruflich sehr viel unterwegs bin, muss ich Smartphone sowie Tablet entsprechend oft an fremden Orten aufladen. Oft poppt dann unmittelbar nach dem Anstecken des Ladekabels die Frage auf, ob man denn seine Daten für den Anschluss freigeben möchte, was ich natürlich verneine. Dennoch stellt sich ab und an ein mulmiges Gefühl ein. Was, wenn jemand trotzdem einen Weg findet, Daten von meinen Endgeräten auszulesen? Insofern ist diese kleine Data Blocker genau das, was ich gesucht habe. Einfach dazwischen stecken und schon muss man sich keine Gedanken mehr machen. Der ein oder andere mag das jetzt etwas paranoid finden. Andererseits denke ich mir, kostet das Teil nur ein paar Euro, nimmt kaum Platz weg und wird mit Sicherheit nicht schaden. Insofern von mir eine klare Empfehlung.

Tatjana L.
Key Account
Jeder der sein Smartphone an fremden USB-Anschlüssen auflädt und nicht möchte das seine Daten in falsche Hände geraten oder Viren aufs Handy, sollte dieses kleine intelligente Gadget dazwischen schalten. Somit wird nur Strom gezogen und sonst nichts. Die Verarbeitung ist sehr gut und es fällt nicht allzu groß aus. Hab es ab jetzt immer in der Hosentasche wenn ich auf Reisen bin. Lieferung ging schnell und problemlos.

Julien S.
Head of Marketing
Such a part was recommended to me, searched for it and found it here. Do what it should and the loading speed will not be affected. Fast delivery and good service, my questions were answered in advance by the support satisfactory. Recommend this product.
USB Data Blocker - Function & Protection
Essentially, all forms of communication between the smart device and the power source are suppressed by our data blocker, whether it is a computer or an adapter connected to a power outlet. This can be achieved by physically disconnecting the data transmission lines between the device and the power source. This with a standard USB cable requires some technical knowledge and is an unsightly cable. This is where USB protection comes into play. If you attach one to the end of a standard USB cable, the data transmission lines between the device and the power source are blocked.
Our guarantee: Your data is safe with us!
Possible malware or viruses are stopped by the blocker. An unnoticed data manipulation on external USB ports is therefore no longer possible.
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