NFC/RFID Blocking Card for wallet
€9.90 €11.90
Fits in every purse ✓ An RFID Blocker card protects the whole purse ✓ No battery needed✓ Made with the latest technology extra durable✓

Highest product quality
You can always count on the Privise products to be among the best on the market. For example, our webcam covers are made in Germany to ensure the highest quality to protect your privacy.

Free and fast shipping
We ship all packages with the best delivery services free of charge directly to the door. Thus, you are always guaranteed the safest and fastest delivery. Because we also know the feeling of having to wait for a package ...

30 day refund guarantee
Also we were once dissatisfied with the best product. Therefore, if you do not like it, you can easily cancel the purchase within 30 days. One email is enough.
With the help of an innovative interference signal, only one RFID Blocker card protects your entire wallet. The same electromagnetic jammer technology is used among other things by intelligence services.
Thanks to this innovative technology and the usual Privise quality we offer you the maximum protection and your cards remain absolutely intact. - COMPLETE PROTECTION:
The RFID Blocker card reliably protects against 13.56 MHz (standard frequency) in a radius of up to 5cm. Thus, the reading out of your sensitive data, by unauthorized scanners, RFID skimming is prevented. - ULTRA THIN:
The RFID protection card is only 0.8 mm thin and fits in any wallet. Place the RFID Blocker card along with your other cards for optimal RFID protection.
More and more cards are being equipped with an RFID chip. Bank cards, credit cards, access cards and even your identity card, as well as the passport, are able to exchange data and information without contact. All it takes is a free smartphone app to access all the card data in passing.
The RFID Blocker card reliably protects against 13.56 MHz (standard frequency) in a radius of up to 5cm. Thus, the reading out of your sensitive data, by unauthorized scanners, RFID skimming is prevented.
Privise is the leading German provider of high quality privacy gadgets. We always use the highest quality materials to ensure longevity and flawless functionality. For example, our RFID blocking card is just 0.8mm thick, making it one of the thinnest cards on the market. We offer the usual solid and reliable Privise product quality in a fair price-performance ratio.
Product details:
- Our RFID Blocker Card is made of durable, UV-resistant plastic
our used sturgeon chip provides reliable protection for the entire purse
- Our card comes in the usual Privise quality
- Our RFID blocking card fits in really every wallet. Product dimensions: 85mm x 55mm x 0.8mm

Ricardo M.
Ich habe mal getestet, wie weit der Blocker von der Kreditkarte entfernt sein kann, ohne dass mein LG G4, direkt an der Karte, diese lesen kann. Er wirkt bis circa 5,5 bis 6,0 cm. Ausreichend fuer ein ganzes Portemonnaie, selbst wenn jemand mit einem RFID-Leser ganz nahe an die RFID-Karte herankommt. Anders gesagt, man braucht nur eine Karte pro Karten-Behaeltnis. Deshalb ist die Karte praktischer als Kreditkartenhuellen, die bei meinem Portemonnaie sowieso nicht passen wuerden, die Karten passen ganz genau in die Schlitze.

Joshua S.
Die Blocker Karte funktioniert wunderbar im Geldbeutel wenn die Karte in einem Fach leicht versetzt hinter/neben der RFID Karte aufbewahrt wird. Ich habe einen minimalistischen Geldbeutel in welchem die Karten mehrfach in einem einzelnen Fach eingesteckt werden, da kann mein RFID Leser zu Hause immer noch Daten erkennen. In diesem Fall werden wohl nicht alle Signale blockiert. Meine Frau freut es, sie nutzt den Blocker erfolgreich in ihrer Brieftasche.

Sandy A.
HR Recruiter
I went shopping today and finally got a cash register where nobody stood behind me and thus had time for a few experiments. In the first attempt, I have my entire wallet (without Privise Blocker card) held on the card reader and immediately readable cards were recognized. Then I put the Privile Blocker card in my wallet and held my wallet on the card reader so that all readable cards were UNDER the Blocker card and thus closer to the reader than the Blocker card. And what can I say: I am excited. The reader has not been able to detect a single card. Terrific!
Identity & data theft through RFID skimming
More and more cards are being equipped with an RFID function. Bank cards, credit cards, access cards, even your identity card, as well as the passport are able to contactless exchange data and information. Data thieves have an easy game here. You can pass by with a simple smartphone app or a reader or simply by standing behind you at the cash register, read out all this sensitive data, copy and then misuse.
We face this growing problem with our RFID protection cards - because Your safety is our focus!
Vorbei ist die Zeit separater Schutzhüllen für jede einzelne Karte im Portemonnaie: 2019 benötigst Du ausschließlich eine unserer RFID-Schutzkarten um Deine Daten zu schützen. Sie ist mit einem innovativen Störsender versehen und schützt so ganz simple Deine ganze Geldbörse, samt Geldkarten und Ausweis.
Durch diesen skimming blocker wird keine weitere Schutzhülle mehr benötigt.